Personal Travel-worldrecords
Roman Brühwiler:
Travel records are similar to mountaineering:
It is joy and gratefulness about such an success that remains!
or in other words: Climbing three stairs or travelling around the world in three days - both can be unimportant or a satisfying, thrilling and exciting experience!
7 Hours - 5 African countries
It's not a big thing to visit 5 European countries within 7 hours, but 5 African countries within 7 hours is really tough! On the one hand, African countries are much bigger, on the other hand, the street condition and the the military check points take a lot of time.
Is it really possible to visit 5 countries in 7 hours?
Datum & Lokalzeit | Strecke | Land | 07.04.2006 10:15h | Start am Grenzfluss Leraba | | | 25 km südwestlich von Niangoloko | ELFENBEINKUESTE (1) | 07.04.2006 10:20h - 12:35h | Fahrt nach Bobo Dioulasso (150 km) | BURKINO FASO (2) | 07.04.2006 12:55h - 14:25h | Flug nach Lomé | TOGO (3) | 07.04.2006 15:10h - 16:00h | Fahrt zur Grenze Ghana (10 km) | Togo | 07.04.2006 16:00h - 16:15h | Grenzübertritt nach Ghana | GHANA (4) | 07.04.2005 16:15h - 17:10h | Fahrt über Lomé zur Grenze | | | von Benin (70 km) | Togo | 07.04.2006 17:15h | Grenzübertritt nach Benin bei Aneho | BENIN (5) |